
May 23rd, 2024

2023 - 2024 Rotary Theme
President John Tolson call to order
Steve Hise presented our agenda this morning
Ryan Valencia presented the invocation this morning. 
Flag Salute
Dwight Thompson lead the Flag Salute this morning.
Greeting our guests this morning were Kris Turner and Frank Tomlinson!
Dorina Timbol introduced our guest list
Blake Terry (Special guest)
Willoh Borovay
Kim Gray
Kathryn Lamb (Special guest)
Jeff Lamb
Nino Yniguez (Special guest)
Mark Spellman
Gary Graswald
Heidi DiNardo
Sue Klepper (Special Guest)
Alan Adelstein
Dan Rosen (Special guest)
Yanira Valenica
Joel (WM)
Upcoming Events
Nino Yniguez was pinned by Bill Klepper and became a Rotarian as of today!
Please helps us congratulate Nino!
Sue Klepper became a Rotarian as of today!
Please helps us congratulate Sue!
Kathy Scroggin introduced our Scholarship awards this morning with $17500 being awarded tonight to 29 High School Seniors!
Tim Gray presented the Rob Hitchcock Memorial Scholarship to Naibe Luna!
Tim Gray presented the Blommendahl Memorial Scholarship to Jordan Wang!
Savi Bhim presented the One World One Rotary Scholarship to Avery Mulford!
Apollo High School 
Maria Sprowl - Counselor
Frank Macias
Nicolas Qurtemus
Monte Vista
Dr. P - Principle
Ryan Candelaria
Audrey Barajas
Royal High School
Michale Hall - Principal
Rita Gerges
Sahar Karimi
Naibe Luna
Nikki Mix
Avery Mulford
Thomas Richards
Olivia Sullivan
Sean Vertuno
Emily Maher
Santa Susana High School
Laura Cuneo - Counselor
Hayley Estrada - Counselor
Adrina Geroge
Nuria Gordon
Addison Hodge
Lura James
Simi Valley High School
JC Baxter - Principal
Claire Fitzgerald
Quinn Heller
Shailen Mehta
Ashley Ruedy
Jordan Wang
Happy Face Music Festival
Thank you to our Sponsors!

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"

-Nelson Mandela

Please remember to bring a friend or an acquaintance to our next meeting.  This is a GREAT way to grow our membership!  
The link for Continuing Resolutions is:

The link for the Bylaws is:

How do new members add ClubRunner?  

When the secretary adds a new member to our roster, you will receive an automatic email that gives you your login ID and a temporary password so that you can access the web site (ClubRunner).  This gives you the opportunity to upload a photo and enter a permanent password.  You can go to the public portion of our website (no login required) and see the calendar, list of officers, birthdays, past bulletins, etc.  The link to the public portion of our website is:

There is a phone app that can be downloaded to your phone; everyone should have that app on their phones.  You will have to download the app and then log in the first time.  After that, the login portion is not required.  

Please remember to bring a friend or an acquaintance to our next meeting.  This is a GREAT way to grow our membership!  
We will be dark for next week! Meeting at 5:30-7:30pm at Mission Burrito instead!
Our next meeting:
June 6th, 2024  will be at the Best Western Posada Royale at 1775 Madera Road.  See you all there!
Rotary Club Finder Need to find a club to do a makeup?  Or find out where Rotary clubs meet while you are traveling?  Click here to access the Club Finder page on the RI website.
Meeting Responsibilities
May 23, 2024
Soulema, Albert
Tomlinson II, Frank
Turner, Kris
Valencia, Ryan
Flag Salute
Thompson, Dwight
Guest List
Timbol, Dorina
May 16, 2024
Turner, Kris
Angelini, Anthony
Fox, Demi
Flag Salute
Richesson, Elizabeth
Guest List
Kojelis, Linas
May 9, 2024
Sharma, Arun
Flag Salute
Mutal, Mike
May 2, 2024
Thompson, Karen
Thompson, Dwight
Winstanley, James
Flag Salute
Gonzales, Greg
Guest List
Schadt, Don
April 25, 2024
Angelini, Anthony
Derksen, Susan
Boucher, Carolyn
Flag Salute
Hartman, Gregg
Guest List
Ventura, Sal
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Daniel Jordan
May 20
Herschel Berger
May 25
Ron Coons
May 28
Joel Rothman
May 29
Greg Gonzales
May 13
Jim Anglin
May 14
Jose Martinez
Glenda Martinez
May 26
Bill Klepper
May 29
Anni Sumby
Pat Sumby
May 31
Join Date
Geo Ragsdale
May 9, 2019
5 years
Tim Gray
May 9, 2007
17 years
Fernando Estevez
May 15, 2008
16 years
Milad Pezeshki
May 25, 2023
1 year
Executives & Directors
Past President
Club Service
International Service
Community Service
Vocational Service
Vocational Service
Community Service
Public Relations
Youth Service
Family of Rotary
Family of Rotary
The Rotary Foundation
Director at Large
Peace Chair
Director at Large
Director at Large
SSR Charitable Foundation Chair
RMC Chair
Peacebuilder club
Peacebuilder club
Advertisement for Russell Hampton
Advertisement for ClubRunner
Advertisement for ClubRunner Mobile
Thank you for reading this week's bulletin!
If you cannot do your weekly assignment it is up to YOU to find a replacement.